Migraine is one among the common health disorders found among people of all ages. This health disorder is mainly characterized by sensitivity to light, upset stomach, blurred vision and severe pain on one or both sides of head. According to the cause intensity of headache trouble, migraine problem is usually characterized into two as classic and common. Occurrence of aura symptoms is a main difference between classic and common symptoms.
Classic migraine trouble usually occurs after the appearance of neurological symptoms. Some among the symptoms shown due to the occurrence of classic migraine include appearance of flash of light and temporary loss of vision. Some people may also show symptoms like slurred speech, tingling of face, weakness of arm and memory trouble.
As per studies, common migraine trouble usually lasts for three to four days time period. Blood flow changes taking place in brain is reported as a main cause leading way to the formation of migraine trouble. High stress condition is a key factor leading way to the formation of this trouble. This health problem is found among people of age group between five and thirty five.
Menstrual migraine is one among the common types of migraine problem found among adult women. This health disorder usually occurs during menstruation time. Today there are lots of products available in market boasting migraine cure feature. Most of the health practitioners recommends on treating migraine with herbal remedies. Lack of side effects is an important advantage of following these herbal remedies. Use of relaxant oils, avoiding stress, practicing deep breathing exercise and applying lemon juice on forehead are some best recommended natural remedies for curing migraine.
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