Saturday, August 10, 2013

Artichoke, milk thistle and dandelion root for liver function

Enhancing liver function plays a great role in improving the overall health of body. Liver, the largest internal organ weighs about three and a half pounds. Main functions of this internal organ include blood filtration, converting carbohydrates to fat and activating hormones. How does milk thistle improve liver function? This is a common question asked by many people across the world. Generally, the seeds or the fruits of milk thistle plant are responsible for this health benefit. 

Silymarin, an active compound present in the fruits of milk thistle is responsible for liver protection. 
As per studies, milk thistle is recognized as a powerful antioxidant which prevent free radical mechanism. It acts on free radicals and prevents its mechanism on body cells. Today, this herb milk thistle with silymarin compound is one of the best used remedies for heart diseases and joint pain troubles. Apart from preventing free radical damage, protecting liver from toxin is another main health benefit of using milk thistle. 

Today, milk thistle is a common ingredient used for the preparation of herbal products to treat hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Medication induced liver damage is quite common among people across the world. Including milk thistle in diet can certainly lower the risk of liver damage due to medication. 
Generally, milk thistle functions by treating the underlying cause of problem. This herbal remedy is found to be very helpful if you are a person who eat fatty foods and sleep late at night. 

Similar to silymarin in milk thistle, dandelion root is another safe cure for the treatment of liver diseases. This liver tonic dissolves bladder stones and prevents the accumulation of fat cells in body. Dandelion root is a top remedy recommended for liver protection. Taraxacins, the bitter principles of dandelion root improves digestion and enhances bile production in body naturally. People in search of the best cure to treat health issues due to alcohol abuse or poor diet can certainly make use of dandelion root extracts for treatment.

Detoxification of body cells plays a great role in improving body health. Presence of active compounds in dandelion root stimulates detoxification process and keeps your body healthy. Dandelion root extract have been used for decades to treat a variety of health issues like cancer, arthritis and skin diseases. 

Artichoke is another renowned liver tonic used for the treatment of many health issues. Cynarin, one among the active ingredients in artichoke promotes flow of bile naturally. People in search of the best liver tonic can certainly select artichoke. It beholds high diuretic effect and can be used for the treatment of a variety of health issues like hypoglycemia and high cholesterol level. Flushing out toxins from body is an important health benefit of artichoke.

 Artichoke can be also used to lower the blood cholesterol level and blood sugar level naturally. This herbal product is already known for its blood purifying property. It cleanses skin cells and prevents the excessive body odour. Reducing nausea, preventing constipation and reducing flatulence are some of the important health advantages of including artichoke extract in diet. 

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